Monday, June 29, 2015

Forgiveness, The Emotional Cure All

      When the Savior was on this Earth, he performed many great and amazing miracles, some that were written about, some that may not have been, but the story that always stands out to me the most is the story of the young man who had to be lowered into a house from the roof before the Savior, because it was more crowded then the Cleveland or New York train stops. 

      Once the young man was before Christ, the first thing that he said to the man was "your sins are forgiven." Now of course there were critics in the room that spoke ill of this action and Christ asked them,"Which is the easier task? To say your sins are forgiven or arise and walk?" Before anyone could answer, The Savior then told the young man to get up and walk home, which of course he did. 

      The thing that always amazes me is that the idea of forgiving someone sounds so simple, they apologize and you tell them it's alright and we all move on with life, easy right? Nope. Not at all. See the thing is, where they may not have harmed or hurt us physically, the emotional pain may not be measured, and if not treated, it will infect you.
      There is a young man who I met some years ago that caused me pain beyond words. I do not know this man's name, or anything about him to be completely honest. This man is no longer on this planet and he will answer for the things he has done, he can't hurt anyone else again. But for me, I am far from finished and I still have not been able to forgive this man, and the infection of hate for him is still very much part of my soul.

      The young man I speak of, was an Iraqi who fought against us when I was deployed. The only thing I do know about him, is he was raised with a deep hatred for Americans and that we are all filthy infidels. His hatred infected him, and it caused him to commit an act of horror that is beyond words. His last words before his death were, "I do this because I hate you."

       One of my fellow soldiers who was with me that day, attempted suicide when we got home because he wanted the nightmares to stop. Another one over dosed on medications and succeeded where the first failed. To this day, five years later, I still have nightmares about that day. Because one man hated us.

      Every single day since then, I struggle with forgiving this man. I like to believe I do not hate him as much as I first did, but I would be a liar to say I have forgiven him and no longer hold any ill will towards him. When ever I think of this young man, I can now see what Christ meant when he asked that simple question, "Which is easier, to say your sins are forgiven or arise and walk?" I am beginning to think that latter is the easier of the two choices. 

      I do not have the power or the authority to forgive people of their sins, That is for The Savior and our Heavenly Father to do. I can only to forgive them for the wrongs they have committed against me. I hope that if any of you are feeling ill will towards someone, please make it a priority to forgive them, because when it turns to hate, only the Savior can cut that infection from you, and it will take time and the emotional pain is extreme. Please, forgive often.

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