Sunday, June 21, 2015

Love, The Inspiring Tragedy

      You are standing at a counter waiting on your milkshake, just casually laughing at your friends as they goof off, laughing and making everyone in the entire place question how old you guys really are, I mean who lets fourteen year olds out at 11 at night? As you smile, one of your closer friends run up and they stand very close to you. All joy is suddenly replaced by that jittery, when did I eat butterflies, is my deodorant working, why can't I be chewing gum, feeling you only get when the opposite gender gets that close to you.

      They quickly relay the message that they are going outside to get fresh air and you very intelligently say something that sounds like a grunt. They laugh and head outside as the butterflies in your stomach are replaced by a hive of bees. Suddenly you are wishing you were home and hiding under the blankets as all the what if questions start. What if they like you? What if you date? What if you don't? What if they suddenly leave your life? You know the torture that you put yourself through with these questions, so why do you ask them?

      The answer is simple, you ask those questions because you love. We have been so very blessed with that one emotion, even though it is more often then not the source of our pain in life. I mean think about it, why do we do our chores every time we go to momma's house even though we no longer live there? We love our parents. Why do we feel sorrow when someone else is hurting? Because we love them and what them to smile and be happy. Why do we stay around some of them same people, even after they have hurt us? Because we love them. Why did the Savior agree to be the sacrifice for all of our sins? Why did He agree to bleed from every pore? Why did He agree to be crucified, knowing he would be beaten, rejected, spit on and murdered? Because He loves you.

      Thats right, Christ loves you. Just as much as he loves me. He came to this mortal world, knowing every single physical torture, every emotional torment and eventually his brutal death. He knew exactly what was in store for him, and not only did he come to this world over run with selfish desires, he came with a smile on his face, arms open and love in his heart. Christ did not have to perform all the miracles he did, He didn't have to heal everyone that came to him begging for the Son of God to heal them, to fix their lives which were broken, sometimes even destroyed by circumstances both created by themselves and given to them at birth.

      Christ could of shown up, head held high demanding respect like a politician who promises to make our lives better, but he didn't. Christ didn't have to tell people he loved them, he had shown them. The young lady who just dropped all of her baskets of bread in the street creating a huge mess that people would step over, Christ stopped to help her pick them up. The man that could not see the world around him, and no one had bothered to stop and speak with, Christ found him and gave him his sight so he could do his work. The child with a skin disease that was so terrible and made all other children run in fear, never knowing what it was like to have friends, Christ not only healed him but he took the child on his lap and told him of God's love. 

      It does not matter what story you think of,  the reasoning for Christ to live such an absolutely perfect and incredible life is love. There is no other emotion that gives us that much determination or will power to do sometimes the unthinkable, even impossible things. And we have been given that same emotion so that maybe we could understand what the Savior feels for us. It may not be as pure and perfect as His, but it is still love, and we feel it just as powerfully as he does. 

      Now for the tragic part of it. We will feel different kinds of love for different people, but one day someone will come into our lives and everything will be brighter, everything they say will bring up jitters and every time you are with them, you will feel like a better person, they will light a fire inside you that can not be put out, no matter what you or anyone else tries. And then sometimes, they leave. That amazing person who caused such a great change in you, that made you into this model citizen, they made you feel love like you have never felt it before, they just leave. But the fire is still burning.

      You then start cycling through all the other emotions to try and forget them. You try hating them, you try forgetting them, you get depressed at the thought that maybe you just didn't light up their world as they did for you. You try drowning them out with memories of other people, you will try everything in your power to forget them, but that fire will still burn inside you, just as strong, just as bright and you finally accept the fact, that person changed your life, and then left. All you can do is simply continue to love them.

      Before we go back to that milkshake counter, there is one more thing I want you to consider. I just spoke of the person that is going to change your life, start a fire that will burn forever fueled by your love for them. You must realize that a day will come where you, yes you grunting cave person, will light a fire in someone else. And you may not stay in their lives, they will feel that same pain you felt, but you will change their life in such a way, that they will always love you. That is the tragic, yet inspiring story we call love. 

      So leave all the "what if" questions unasked and unanswered, grab your milkshake, find your friends and go light a fire in someone's life. Be the light they will always turn to when they need comfort, and follow the example of our beloved Savior, who should be the biggest fire in our lives. Do what he would do, and be happy.

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